Barack Obama for our next President.
Years ago, I would have considered myself a republican. Why? I'm not too sure other than the fact that I was a charismatic Christian, and I knew that my church at the time held a strong republican vote. I knew nothing of politics really, and could care less about current events. Now, I'm out of the church (that's a blog for later) and my views on politics have done a complete 180!
One of my favorite things to do each morning is to read the Star Tribune to catch up on all of my current events. I especially enjoy the politics section, as I've grown to be very fond of politics. This is my country, our America, and the place that we live. We need to care about who is going to lead our country! I've gotten so into politics/news that I've even gained a subscription to the magazine Newsweek. I absolutely adore it!
So, how did I come to choose Barack Obama as the person I'd hope to be our next president? I mean, originally, I was all for Hillary Clinton; I even had a bumper sticker supporting her campaign on my car! My decisions to support Obama came from a few key things I noticed that differentiated the democratic candidates from one another...
1 - I subscibe to both Hillary and Barack's email mailing list. As Obama has shown an intense triumph over Hillary in many of the primaries, Hillary's mailings have begun to become more desperate, more negative, and less about the change that the is going to occur. She's even spent lots of time discussing how Barack is overspending her in campaigning, and has already established ads in Pennsylvania for the upcoming April 22nd primary. I'm sorry, but if Hillary can't handle that, and ends up coming across as desperate and whiny, how can I expect she'd handle situations gracefully in the White House?
2- Obama has completely run a grassroots campaign. In case you don't know what a grassroots campain is, I'll tell you. Grassroots means involving the common people. Obama has taken no money from lobbyists, but instead has relied on you and me to support his campain. Just a while ago, Obama made history when over 1,000,000 people were responsible for donating to his campaign.
3- The promise of change. Period. Obama is promising to change the way this country has been run. Our country has been screwed up by the most disgraceful president we've ever had, and it needs someone serious to turn the mistakes of Bush around. Obama is that person.
Check this out. This is Obama's plan if he gets elected...
"Here are the core elements of my strategy to address our critical national security challenges in the 21st century:
End the war in Iraq, removing our troops at a pace of 1 to 2 combat brigades per month;
Finally finish the fight against the Taliban, root out al Qaeda and invest in the people of Afghanistan and Pakistan, while making aid to the Pakistani government conditional;
Act aggressively to stop nuclear proliferation and to secure all loose nuclear materials around the world;
Double our foreign assistance to cut extreme poverty in half;
Invest in a clean energy future to wean the U.S. off of foreign oil and to lead the world against the threat of global climate change;
Rebuild our military capability by increasing the number of soldiers, marines, and special forces troops, and insist on adequate training and time off between deployments;
Renew American diplomacy by talking to our adversaries as well as our friends; increasing the size of the Foreign Service and the Peace Corps; and creating an America's Voice Corps."
You may not agree, but I know one thing's for certain - Obama's for Me!!!
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