
Old Memories, New Thoughts.

I used to be engaged. 18 years old, engaged, and incredibly naive - that was me. It was the fall after my senior year of high school, and I wasn't in college yet due to some financial aid mishaps. While working at Buffalo Wild Wings one afternoon (and not a particularly special afternoon) James came to pick me up. That afternoon James proposed to me at Minnehaha Falls.... and I said yes.

I know why I said yes, but back then I would have told you I said yes to his proposal because I loved him. Well, I did love him, but I was never in love with him. See the thing is James and I sort of got together out of pressure. Pressure from the church who encouraged 'courting' (dating with the intent of marriage... after much prayer and "approval" from church elders). James and I were together because both of us were Christians. We weren't together out of pure passion and love; we were together because we were "supposed" to be.

Relationships like that can never last, and they never will. In a relationship like that... a foundation is lacking, and without a strong foundation there is nothing to build on for the future.

Needless to say, James and I have been over for a few years now. I don't really miss him any more, and I didn't really have a difficult time getting over him. I don't say that to sound harsh, but only to point out that in fact we were never "meant to be".

I've moved on since James... and set my standards higher than what anyone else wants for my life. In fact, I am crazy, madly, and passionately head-over-heels in love with the man I'm with now... Garrett. But, that story is for another time. =)

1 comment:

kristine said...

I tagged you! go to my blog to check it out..