
So it begins

I've had the urge to blog again recently. Maybe it's due to the fact that I'm making some major life changes and I feel the need to keep up with them as they come. Or, maybe it's just because I have an extreme fondness for writing. Either way, I'd like to account for all the changes I'm making in my life right now.

1.) I've quit smoking!! As of March 16th, I have been cigarette free! Now, I understand that today is only my third day, but I'm incredibly proud of myself. I've been smoking since I was around 15 years old, and became a serious smoker the moment I turned 18. Well, I'm 21 now (soon to be 22), and I don't want to continue this any longer. Smoking is sooo terrible for me, but the satisfaction of having my nicotine stick always seemed to outweigh the lifetime consequences. I've had enough! I'm young and have a good head on my shoulders! 3 days (almost!) down, and a lifetime to go!!

2.) I've given up fast-food and pop! A McDonald's fish fillet meal with a coke has become one of my sweet temptations. Yet, I don't understand why I keep eating it when I know just how terrible fast-food and pop is for you! I've seen Super Size Me and I've heard the gossip about high fructose corn syrup which hides itself in those little aluminum cans; I know the scoop. It's time to turn it around, and give my body what it wants.

3.) Because I've made the decision to stay far away from restaurants, I needed to figure out what I was going to eat at home. This change requires me to cook all of my meals, and I don't have a problem with that - I love cooking! However, going to the grocery store means my undivided attention is focused at the food going into my cart. Whole grains, veggies, fruits, skim milk.. you know, the whole healthy sha-bang!

4.) More exercise. Plain and simple. I've discovered a wonderful website called www.sparkpeople.com. It's a completely free website dedicated to helping people plan nutritional and fitness goals. I love it, and I recommend it to anyone looking to make this sort of lifestyle change.

Overall, I guess I just really want to be more healthy. I'm not complaining either! My food tastes wonderful, my lungs feel great, the exercise leaves me hurting, but in a great way!! I love this new change, and I'm certain I'm going to stick with this for a long time to come.


1 comment:

kristine said...

OMG!! How fun that you have a blog and that you have found me... I look forward to reading about your new journey here and hope you do nothing but great things with it! 3 days of no cigarettes is still something to be proud of. I think 1day probably would be as well. I had Graycen with me on the 4th of July at gma & gpa's but she was pretty crabby, if i remember right. Oh well... thanks for stopping by. I will be adding you to my blogroll... ;-)